Thursday, September 6, 2012

Notable Thai Romance Film, Interesting Kids' Film

So I saw a couple of films recently. "Echo Planet" and "Yes or No 2."

Echo Planet


Echo Planet is a super-publicized animated film about a Lanna girl, her baby brother, and a the son of the president from "Capital State," the richest country in the world. It is a totally fictional country with a flag that looks like this:

The film is about how carbon dioxide builds up in the atmosphere so much that it becomes alive and starts roaming and destroying the world. It was pretty hilarious.

My favorite scene in the film is when the boy is introduced at the World Boy Scout meeting in Ayutthaya, Thailand. A helicopter comes down dramatically, opens, and he is not in it. Everyone is confused until instead he flies in on a jet pack. I'm giggling just thinking about it.

See the trailer here. It's hilarious. Very much worth watching. (No English subtitles, but I think that makes it better.

Yes or No 2
A far more notable film for many, many reasons. I will just go through a few.

FIRST I need to clear up something that you may not understand. That's three girls right there. The middle one is a tom, short for "Tomboy."

In America this would just mean that it was a girl who has interests similar to a guy, but here it means you are gay, cut your hair short, and wear more masculine clothing.

In Thailand many boys and girls will dress differently or have different fashion to identify themselves as gay and what "type" of gay I guess you could say.

While in America it may be offensive to attach names to things like this, one friend has openly told me on multiple occasions that she used to be a tom. (She showed me a picture too!) In America, just because you have short hair doesn't mean you're gay, but here it seems like it does.

To watch the trailer WITH subtitles, click here. It gives a very good synopsis of the entirety of the film.

Here's the jist: 2 girls, Kim and Pie, are in a relationship for a few years. They go to separate internships in very different areas of Thailand. Kim, the tom, starts to like her fellow intern, Jam. The Jam is determined to go out with Kim.  This happens while Kim tries to keep her original relationship with Pie afloat. I had to look up these names...

Notable things:

1) Serious lesbian love film so popular they had to make a second one.

Being a lesbian is still taboo in Thailand. There was some basic discussion about how the Pie has to hide from her family that she is in a relationship with a tom.

Nonetheless, I have no knowledge or memory of a romantic drama about a lesbian relationship in Mainstream--or even alternative--American cinema. (Please tell me if I'm forgetting something. Also, for a spectacular American lesbian satirical romantic comedy see But I'm a Cheerleader.)

So in this way, Thailand is ahead of the times.

2) Blows the Bechdel Test out of the water!

Most people don't know about this test. I first heard about this test in my intro to film course in college. It is VERY important stuff. You can learn a lot more than I know about it here, and the two minute video is a spectacular introduction. The jist is that in order to pass the Bechdel Test a film must fill these three criteria:

-It has to have at least two named women in it
           --Who talk to each other
                     ---About something besides a man

Basically it is a test about whether or not there is an actual presence of women in the film at all. MANY films do not pass this test (see earlier link). For reference, Sex in the City BARELY passes this test because the characters have one conversation in the film about shoes.

Back to the Thai film.

It is very common in Thai film to have a lot of joke-characters with ridiculous/awkward/needy personalities who are basically seen as obstacles for the characters to avoid or overcome, hilariously. But in this film, every single joke-character except one is a man and every single man is a joke-character. All of the serious characters are female, even female characters with very little speaking role.

They don't talk about men (why would they?); they mainly talk to each other; and I just gave you three named female characters. So. BLOWS TEST OUT OF THE WATER. Thailand is awesome. I've never seen a film like this--amazing.

3) Explores cheating/interests outside of a relationship in a unique way

Most people will probably find this not interesting, but I did.

Basically, as I see it, when people think about cheating in film, either the person they want to cheat with or the person they want to cheat on is an American version of a joke-character. Either by being evil, insensitive, awkward, unattractive whatever--the character that has no hope of getting the viewer's sympathy. But here, even though SPOILERS the relationship is preserved in the end, all three characters are treated as desirable, caring, intelligent, loving, and imperfectly human.

In this film promiscuous thinking is not illustrated as something either good because the girl/boyfriend is a douche OR something that should never, ever happen because the relationship is a good one--real love overcomes stuff like that. For the film promiscuous thinking sucks, but it is a natural part of being human. Very different from our idealized Western idea of love, and the dilemmas that it creates for itself.

4) Stalking/obsessive behavior in Thai society

Again, SPOILERS. One of the most interesting cultural scenes for me was one in which Kim (the tom) comes into Jam's room (fellow intern she has a crush on). There she sees where Jam obsessively kept track of everything she and Kim had done together on post-it notes. She drew pictures of them together and talked about how she hated 8pm, the time every day when Kim calls Pie. Then Jam comes in, is surprised and embarrassed, and she says Kim is her first love.

This was the moment when I thought Jam was turning into a joke-character and Kim would go running for the hills. That's what would normally happen in an American film--you think you are attracted to someone outside the relationship that is normal until you find out they are evil/insensitive/awkward/unattractive(needy). But instead Kim, having just broken up with Pie, decides to go out with Jam.

There are a number of reasons I might hypothesize for why this happened in a Thai context, but I think I will just leave it at that.


I highly recommend those who are huge film buffs try to get their hands on this film or the original. It will be entertaining because it is so different. Probably not the best film in the world by Thai standards.

While we have the Bechdel Test on the brain, I realize that Echo Planet passes it too!  

Lastly, I'm not sure if I ever wrote about ATM, but if you want to talk about truly spectacular Thai cinema, watch ATM. Notable for very different reasons, but still a romantic film that is done VERY differently that one would be in the West. Also, HILARIOUS.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! My handy American example when students ask: _Bound_ includes a lesbian woman as the lead character, an ambigu-sexual :-) woman as her love interest, and the two of them are interesting, and occasionally bad-ass.
